Protected Age - Pension vest, 2014
I was interested in the relation to work. I asked People what there grandparents, parents worked, and what they work. For how long time they kept one job.
"In the second half of the twentieth century, Eastern European countries have been particularly affected by geo-political, power and social transformation. These processes have trickled down to families and individuals perspectives. Professions, jobs and hobbies are dominant element of social status and social trends from 1945 to the present. The “ Protected Age - Pension vest” drawing series compares several generations, the grandparents, parents and the young generation’s outlook on life through trades and other work." Zsolt Petrányi

"A huszadik század második felének geopolitikai, hatalmi és társadalmi átrendeződései a kelet-európai országokat különösen érintették. E folyamatok lecsapódása a család és az egyén életperspektíváinak változásaiban is mérhető. Ha csak a magyarországi családok történeteit vizsgáljuk, a szakma, a munkahely és a hobbi egyaránt meghatározó eleme a társadalmi és közösségi státusz alakulásának 1945-tól napjainkig. A „Védett kor” rajzai több generáció szakmáin és egyéb elfoglaltságain keresztül hasonlítják össze a nagyszülők, szülők és a fiatal generáció életszemléletét. A zászlókon a munkakört, míg a képeken családi fotók átértelmezésével és autonóm rajzokkal ezek esszenciáit láthatjuk." Petrányi Zsolt


railwayman, bartender, second architect in the Csepel factory, switchboard operator, pipe coupler in the Csepel factory, crane operator, Journalist, teacher, postman, bibliophile, innkeeper, shopkeeper, farmer, doctor, scrub nurse, social psychologist, fashion store owner, agricultural engineer, dressmaker, architect, physical education teacher, carpenter, gardener, soldier, language teacher, public servant, economist, pharmaceutical assistant, dispatcher, servant, office worker, graphist, miner, sanitation official, translator, writer, banker, photographer, pulmonologist, disabled, lawyer, accountant, carter, cleaning lady, housewife, educator, researcher, surveyor, hat maker, did not work, forensic, cartographer, photo retouching, opera singer and voice teacher, essence creator, foreign embassy worker, cleaning company employee, pediatrician, mechanical engineer, button factory managing director and product distributor, geologist, gynecologist, tobacconist, bar pianist, ticket agent at the BKV, engineer, war hero, Landowner, translator, lector, librarian, editor, hospital assistant, emigrant, draftsman, forester, car mechanic, bus driver, boot mender, lighter charger, chemical engineer, salesperson, interpreter, patent attorney, stamp collector, painter, skipper, jurist, domestic, worker at train company, tailor, army officer, airport director, production manager, factory manager, shopper, buffet salesman, secretary, merchant, kindergarten teacher, communication officer, candy shop assistant, weaving factory worker, college director, waterworks employee, academic chemist, chemist


foreign trade, bank middle manager, painter, stone sculptor – restorer, high school teacher, librarian, builder, writer, antiquarian, event organizer, teacher artist, advertising industry worker, pensioner, beekeeper, salesperson, civil engineer, educator, cultural organizer, accountant, filmmaker, translator, journalist, builder, payroll accountant, shop assistant, jurist, psychotherapist, teacher, graphic designer, land surveyor, educator, sociologist, visual artist, composer, film director, ceramist, actress, english teacher, photographer, accountant, car mechanic, contractor, restorer, textile artist, engineer, architect, interpreter, IT in computing, economist, cycling activist, linguist, historian, builder, real estate lawyer, educator for children with special neads, senior research fellow, writes books, book publisher, cantor, documentary filmmaker, video artist, fashion designer, clothing store owner, TV cameraman, art historian, textile artist, electric engineer, propagandist, theater, education, education researcher, typo, editor, translator, psychologist, writer, psychiatrist, family therapist, primary school teacher, driving school teacher


sales support, quality management, I'm on maternity leave, guard, intermedia, object design, law, film and TV production, art workshops for kids, clothing design, illustrator at an animation studio, cultural organizer, director and production designer, advertising agency, curator, lawyer, gourmet - shop vendor, child psychologist, painter, I organize events for a foundation, freelance animation creator, international women's magazine editor, publication design, stylist, face of a hungarian multinational company, assistant professor, editor at photo agency, professor, freelance artist and photographer, psychodrama organizer, painter, advertising industry postproductionist, office work, humanities, microfilm library selectionist, I make animation films and teach, webdesign, teaching, mushroom cultivation, baby research, own film production company manager, photographer, stage director, economist, musician, art director, actor, director, fine art, teaching, civic foundation, editor, journalist at an agency